10. Favorite TV series: The Amazing Race. It has been my fave for many years now.
9. Favorite restaurant: Bagelheads. I wish I could spend every morning there.
8. Favorite new thing you tried: Tie between kayaking and crocheting!
7. Favorite gift you got: B surprised me back in August with a maternity shirt that says "what's kickin'" and has little footprints on it. And in the same order, he got me a set of dumbbells, which I had wanted. He's a really good gift-giver when it's on his own terms and he's not being forced into because of a date on the calendar. (Although the bathrobe he got me for Christmas is really nice, but I love his unexpected gifts.)
6. Favorite thing you pinned: I have a maternity pics board for inspiration when we did our shoot, which had this picture on it:
Our version:
We put it on the back of the Christmas card and everyone loved it!
5. Favorite blog post: I know this is gonna sound weird, but I think it was the post about my miscarriage. I've re-read it more often than any other, love all the supportive comments, and I've been very open to talk about it with anyone all year. If you'd rather read something happier, check out when I announced my current (viable) pregnancy.
1. Goal for 2012: Have baby, keep baby alive. I'm not big on resolutions at New Year's, especially since I have my 101 goal list.
I didn't really intend for half of this list to be pregnancy-related stuff, but it has taken up over half my year so I guess I'll let it go. I'll be full-term (37 weeks) on Monday, if you lost count!
I didn't really intend for half of this list to be pregnancy-related stuff, but it has taken up over half my year so I guess I'll let it go. I'll be full-term (37 weeks) on Monday, if you lost count!