I'm singer, a runner, a baker, a road-tripper, and a lover of God.
The other loves of my life are my husband and 2 little girls.
*For the curious: GA, FL, VA, FL (different city), IN
Not enough? Here are some more random facts about me (most are still true).
Playing catch-up?
The story of two towels: A Pier-Less Homecoming
Leaving Virginia: A Farewell to Norfolk
My miscarriage: From Epiphany epiphany to Valentine's Heartbreak
Viable pregnancy!: And Now For Some Big News
Birth Story: The Birth of Cora Elizabeth
Moving On and Moving Up: Where Life Takes Us Next
B joins the Navy Reserve: A Milspouse Once Again
Putting Down Roots: Closed!
Back to the Office Grind: Re-Joining the Rat Race
She's Finally Out: The Birth of Audrey Francine