30 December 2013

My One Word, Revisited

Instead of resolutions this year, I picked one word to focus on.

My word for 2013 was . . .


I had 4 categories, along with just a general focus.

Let's take a look-see:

Physical Strength: I started the year lifting actual barbell weights (squats, bench press, etc.) with B. We lasted until March or April. I didn't really love it, never felt like I got my form correct, and I didn't feel like I was making much progress. Then the weather got decent, and I started running and didn't look back. My endurance definitely got stronger, but since I completely abandoned lifting, I was only working those running muscles.

After the nice weather ended, my running slowed. I have started Zumba and Zumba Toning, and I am back at the weights. However, this time I'm using more machine-based stuff instead of free barbells. It's still hard, but it's more my style. I also do assisted pull-ups now, and I'm starting to add more of my own weight on that. I'm currently running indoors and doing the elliptical when I feel like it.

Strength in Family Life: This one has been a doozy. Parenting a toddler is HARD. Dealing with a husband who worked 7 days a week was HARD. (He's thankfully back to 5 days for now.) However, I have said "I'm sorry" A LOT, and I know when I'm in over my head. This area still needs a lot of work.

Strengthening My Faith Life: This has been up and down. I do think I pray more, mostly because I'm in a Facebook group where people ask for prayers a lot. Other families need a lot more prayers than I do, so I try in earnest to at least offer a "Hail Mary" for these intentions. As for intentional devotions and family prayer time, this is a nope. We have sadly abandoned our weekly family meetings and haven't had one all year. We need something like it, though.

Strength In Numbers: It was my goal to make 2 good, local friends by the end of the year. Well, I made one early in the year, but then she moved away. :-(  (I did visit her and her kid when I was driving through where she moved, though.) I have some "library friends"--gals who bring their kids to the library on Friday mornings--but nothing major. I think if the budget permits I will be joining MOPS this year. I was really bummed about not being invited to many Christmas things. What was a busy time for a lot of folks was really low-key around here, and this extrovert had a big frown through most of it.

As for the year 2014, I haven't picked a word yet, and I'm not completely sure that I will. The word "JOY" refuses to leave my head right now, though.

I didn't mean for this post to be so depressing. 2013 was actually a good year. Here are my best memories from it:

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