16 June 2012

Some Thoughts on the Lip Dub Proposal

Unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure by know you've at least heard of the "awesome" lip dub proposal that went viral on YouTube.  It's pretty cheesy; you can watch it here if you don't know what I'm talking about.

While the idea is cute, and I love musicals, with all their happy singing and dancing, as much as the next girl, I would have told this guy NO.  No, Isaac, I don't want to marry you.  And you have Bruno Mars and his crappy lyrics to thank for that.

This song irks me, which is kinda sad because I generally love the music of Bruno Mars and his vocal style.  If you really listen to the lyrics of this song, however, it's about being so drunk that you want to run off to some drive-thru chapel and get married on a whim.  And the fact that this is an acceptable thing to sing about on the radio gives a bit of insight why the divorce rate in our country is so high.

The second line of the song goes, "We're looking for something dumb to do."  I've done a lot of dumb things in my life, but getting married is not on that list.  And it shouldn't be on anyone's dumb list, if they actually hold their vows sacred.

Maybe it's because I got married in the Catholic Church, which I think does an excellent job of teaching the importance of each sacrament, marriage included, that running off to a "chapel on the Boulevard" after drinking some "dancing juice" doesn't appeal to me.  Actually, the wedding coordinator at the church informed me that intoxication can invalidate the sacrament.  Instead of 'pre-gaming' to settle my nerves, I had a Subway sandwich.  It wasn't too hard to save the drinking for the reception afterward.  I was also informed that the Catholic Church suggests and engagement spanning between six months and two years.  Granted, I know of at least one couple that got a priest's blessing to make it sooner (oh, military life), but I think these guidelines are good.  Six months gives you enough time to see if you're making a mistake (and to take the premarital class required by the Church), and my best guess is if it takes you more than two years, then you're focusing on the wrong things.

The one line that probably bugs me the most is, "If we wake up and you wanna break up, that's cool."  Why in the hell would that be in the song you use to propose to your girlfriend??  I'm sure at least one person involved in that lipdub/flashmob charade had the exact same thought running through his or her head.  How could they not? I'm pretty sure Isaac was hoping for a lifetime commitment here, not a one night stand.

Maybe I'm overthinking this, but if I were the one proposing, I would think this thing completely through.  And completely through obviously includes the lyrics of the song.  I mean, they're kind of important, right? I don't care how catchy the freakin' beat is, do people actually listen to lyrics any more? Or maybe everyone has stopped listening to the verses and only hears the refrain?  I don't know, but I hear it all, and all is not well.


  1. I feel the same way about this song- it's catchy, yes, but really? I wonder if he's singing about the same girl he'd catch a grenade for! He just bothers me over all as an artist. I'd never heard of this show/concept though, so I'm heading over to youtube to check it out!

  2. I haven't seen the youtube video (and I'll have to wait since my kiddo is napping), but I totally agree with you. Despite the fact that Bruno Mars' music is very catchy, I find myself not liking him as a person. I find him arrogant in interviews and I really dislike the fact that he was convicted of using drugs in Las Vegas (my tolerance for that kind of behavior is minimal.)
    We were also married in the Catholic Church and honestly I felt all the marriage prep was very beneficial. Our diocese had us attend an Engagement Encounter which was a weekend retreat. It was amazing...it forced us to reflect on a lot of the "hard" things without the many distractions of life.

    Sorry for the book of a comment. -Liz

    1. Oh, how I wish we had gotten to do a whole weekend retreat! That was an option, but my husband's military schedule made it completely impossible. We did a one-day Saturday class instead.

      Also, I've never seen any interview or read any news on Bruno Mars. (I generally just listen to music, not really caring to know to much about the artists themselves.) Thanks for the heads-up!

  3. Cat, I haven't seen the video either, but I agree, these lyrics don't correspond to my view of marriage! We did individual prep with our priest, but were engaged a year. Drive thru marriage is a horrible idea. I look forward to reading more of your blog!

  4. I haven't heard the song, and probably won't listen to it, but I agree with what you are saying. Marriage is sacred and should be taken as thus. My hubby and I did get married at a five month courtship, including a ten week engagement, but we were burning in our passion and we wanted to honor the Lord with our purity, so we decided to go ahead and get married sooner rather than later. :)

    I don't think people listen to lyrics anymore either. There are so many songs out there, when you stop and listen, you're just think "What? They're singing about what??"

    Good post. :)
