05 November 2011

Georgia shower recap

Well, I've officially been back from Georgia since Tuesday night, but I have been soooo exhausted all week!

I'm glad I went for as long as I did, but it seems the recovery is taking as long as the trip itself.  Driving the 6 hours by myself while 7 months pregnant really wasn't too difficult.  I had to force myself to walk around more at the stops, but that was about it.

Saturday was the shower.  My MIL and her sister (B's aunt) actually drove down from Indiana to attend!  That was so cool of them.  You can totally tell it's the first grandbaby for my MIL.

My sister totally listened to my wishes ("demands" as she probably would say), and this was the cake she got Publix to make:
Woohoo, not a cake wreck!  Check it against my previous post to see how they did!
Speaking of my sister, she called my new shape "disgusting" because I haven't blown up and it just looks like I have a basketball stuffed under my shirt.  I've been thin my whole life, so she took full advantage of this rare opportunity to refer to me as "Fatso."  Gotta love sisters!

This was me modeling and twirling for everyone to cut the ribbon to estimate the size of my belly.

Most people's guesses were WAYYYY too big, but one person did actually under-estimate!  That was pretty nice.

And here's a decent belly shot of me turned sideways with my mom and sis:

I got, um, A LOT of gifts.  See the massive pile on the right there.
It was actually a bit overwhelming, but Baby W and I are very thankful!
 And I guess people figured out the giraffe and jungle theme pretty easily!  We got some adorable stuff:

I actually got 2 of those stuffed giraffes I'm holding.  I think I might just keep both :)

It was great being able to see everyone at the shower.  I won't be back in Georgia until after this little one is born (which is weird to think about), so it was nice to be able to catch up with everyone sans nursing/burping/diapering/etc.

After the shower ended, I ran downstairs to watch my Georgia Bulldogs beat their
big rival!  Yes, we are Gator Haters in our family!  UGA doesn't win the game against Florida often, so it was beautiful.

I actually was able to stay in Georgia through Halloween and go trick-or-treating with my niece and nephew.  I decided to sport a costume using mostly borrowed items:

I guess I'm Super-Mommy (Under Construction).  The tool belt and nail apron (the green thing) are my own.  Oh, and that ridiculous shirt that B gave me.  That's my mom's flannel shirt and my nephew's construction helmet from his dress-up stuff.  He also brought me some of his Handy Manny tools (they all talk), so I threw them in there.  Then we just grabbed a bunch of stuff that was sitting in my niece's pack-n-play at my parents' house (the links, the turtle, random bottles from my sister, etc.).  The Huggies were a free sample I got in the mail--too small for my niece now, so I guess I'll hang onto them!  Yep, that was my $0-budget Halloween costume!
After trick-or-treating, my mom loaded everything into my tiny car, including some rather large hand-me-downs from my sister.  That was insane!  Mom likes a good challenge.  Everything fit though, and I only had a bit of trouble seeing out my rear window.  B helped me unload and we just spent Friday night tidying up our office/baby's room, moving things from one closet to another, and figuring out how to put together the hand-me-down swing.  When we were having trouble figuring out the swing, I said to B, "You do realize that trying to figure out these kids' toys will be a constant for the next 10 years or so, right?"  I think we have officially opened this new chapter of married life.


1 comment:

  1. You look great! I'm excited for you! It is indeed a new chapter of married life! :)
